Welcome to Haley Nicole Fitness:
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and wanting to learn more about me. If you are looking for recipes please click here, if you want to learn about my story ready below:)

Coach Haley’s Story:
Fitness and Nutrition were not always a primary focus of mine. I started really exercising when I entered college. I tried many programs and made many mistakes along the way. I started with purchasing some workout programs, then moved on to endless amounts of cardio and little weight lifting. Now, I like to call my workout routine “balanced and sustainable” because I thoroughly do enjoy them. I cut down my cardio and the days that I workout (5 days a week) and I did my research on the correct workouts for me! There is never a day that I complete a workout and feel disappointed that I did it.
My passion escalated even further towards the end of my college years when I decided to start my Haleynicolefit account on Instagram. I wanted to share healthy recipes with others! Not long after starting my account I finally decided to hire a coach and really hone in on macro tracking. I have been tracking ever since. I really do love it and I have learned an immense amount about my body and how much food I really can eat! A foodies dream 🙂 You will find many macro-friendly recipes on my site here.
Online Fitness Coaching:
The community that I found on Instagram truly inspired me to further live out my passion and get my personal training certification. Although my full-time job is in marketing I am a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine as of March 2020. As an online fitness coach, I now want to coach others through personalized coaching and help them find their balance and the fitness routine that works for them. If you are interested in working with me please fill out the form here and I will get back to you as soon as possible!